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DiiA Specifications

DiiA Specifications

The DALI Alliance (DiiA) writes and maintains new specifications that define additional DALI features and functions, building on the IEC 62386 international standard. 

When initially published, DiiA Specifications are freely available to both DALI Alliance members and non-members.

The DALI Alliance transfers some of its specifications to IEC, for publication as new Parts of IEC 62386. After a given period of time, the corresponding DiiA Specification is withdrawn.


Specifications available for download

The DiiA Specifications listed below can be downloaded
using the form at the bottom of this page, except Part 153, Part 154 and Part 254.
Published version Certification

Connectivity specifications

Part 104 Changes & Additions
This is an interim version that will be updated at a future date,
before certification starts.
See the document history for an overview of changes.

v 1.04, February 2024 DALI+
Part 341 Bluetooth Mesh to DALI Gateway v 1.01, April 2021 In progress
Part 342 Zigbee to DALI Gateway v 1.01, April 2021 In progress

Specifications for control devices

DALI Part 351 – Luminaire-mounted Control Devices v 1.0, October 2019

Data specifications for control gear

Part 254 – Extended Emergency Data

>> This DiiA Specification is available to members only here

v 1.1, June 2023 In progress

Repeater specifications

Part 153 – Repeater

>> This DiiA Specification is available to members only here

v 1.0, June 2024 In progress

Part 154 – Isolator

>> This DiiA Specification is available to members only here

v 1.0, June 2024 In progress



Other documents available for download

Published version
D4i Certification and Trademark Use Version 1.3, March 2024

Explains the requirements for drivers, control devices and luminaires.Note that D4i trademark use is reserved for DALI Alliance (DiiA) members only.


Specifications no longer available for download

Effective November 1, 2023

The specifications listed below are no longer available as DiiA Specifications. They have been published as new Parts of IEC 62386 and are available from the IEC webstore.

For DALI-2/D4i certification, you can continue to use the DiiA Specifications in conjunction with the changes and additions described in the “Clarifications & Recommendations for IEC 62386” document, which is available on the member website (login required).

In due course, the Clarifications document will be updated to point to the IEC versions of these Parts. After this happens, members should use the IEC versions (together with the Clarifications document, as usual).

  Published version Certification

Power supply specifications

Part 150 – Auxiliary Power Supply  IEC 62386-150:2023
Part 250 – Integrated Power Supply IEC 62386-250:2023

Data specifications for control gear

Part 251 – Memory Bank 1 Extension (luminaire data) IEC 62386-251:2023
Part 252 – Energy Reporting (energy data) IEC 62386-252:2023
Part 253 – Diagnostics & Maintenance (diagnostics data) IEC 62386-253:2023


Download specifications here

HOW WE WILL USE YOUR DATA: To download the DiiA specifications, please provide your contact details using the form below. DiiA would like to keep you informed of any updates to these specifications via the DiiA newsletter. By providing your details and downloading the documents, you agree that DiiA will use your data to create a subscription for the DiiA newsletter. DiiA will not use your data for any other purpose. You can unsubscribe from the DiiA newsletter at any time.

Please provide your information