December 4, 2023
A new specification for DALI-based input devices that provide sensor information or measurements to the lighting control system has been published as Part 306 of the international standard IEC 62386.
The specification contains a long list of more than 50 quantities that can be detected or measured by a device that complies with Part 306. The list includes temperature, humidity, air quality, concentration of chemicals such as methane, CO2 and NOx and many other quantities. There is also a list of more than 50 units of measurement.
A Part 306 device can sense one or more of the available list of quantities, depending on the intended application. The sensor device can send the information to the DALI system, or provide the information when polled.
Part 306 can be purchased from the IEC webstore.
Published in multiple Parts, the IEC 62386 standard is the basis for the DALI lighting-control protocol. The DALI Alliance develops tests that enable DALI-2 product certification. Work will begin in 2024 to add Part 306 to the DALI-2 certification program.
Other specifications for sensors—namely Part 303 for occupancy sensors and Part 304 for light sensors—are already included in the DALI-2 certification program.
Also, IEC recently published Part 305 for colour sensors (see News).
>> Current status of IEC 62386
>> Status of DALI-2 certification program
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