October 26, 2023
The US Department of Energy has selected six winners in Phase Two — the Prototype Phase — of its L-Prize competition.
The winners include DALI Alliance members McWong and Signify.
The requirements of the Prototype Phase had a strong focus on the use of standards-based connectivity, and promoted the use of D4i and Zhaga Book 20. For more details, see our Blog article “The $12 million L-Prize and how D4i can help you win.”
The six teams share a prize pool of $2 million for their working prototypes that exceed the capabilities of currently available products in two categories: Luminaires and Connected Systems.
"All winning luminaires and connected systems are digitally interoperable with other luminaires and connected systems using the D4i protocol, moving beyond shortcomings of analog 0-10V and proprietary interfaces," said the organizers.
More information on the projects is available here.
Luminaire track winning teams:
Connected Systems track winning teams:
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