September 6, 2022
Certification programs based on international standards build confidence in the interoperability of lighting-control devices, and the benefits are magnified when related standardization efforts are harmonized.
This is the theme of an article in the September 2022 issue of LEDs Magazine entitled “Standards harmonization drives interoperability for lighting control” by Paul Drosihn, General Manager of the DALI Alliance.
The article discusses DALI standardization and the certification programs developed by the DALI Alliance, including DALI-2 and D4i, and then describes the harmonization between D4i and the new ANSI C137.4-2021 standard.
>> Read the online article |
>> View the September 2022 issue |
>> Press release: Data reporting, diagnostics, sensors and NLCs added to ANSI C137.4-2021 standard for digital lighting control |
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