May 17, 2022
The DALI Alliance, the global industry organization for DALI lighting control, is strengthening its focus on the DALI-2 product certification program, including D4i, after ending registration of DALI version-1 control gear.
DALI-2 certification builds confidence in the interoperability of DALI-based devices from different manufacturers. As a standardized platform, DALI-2 mitigates concerns around proprietary technologies and vendor lock-in, and enables future-proof luminaire and system designs for sustainable lighting.
Driven by the DALI Alliance and building on the requirements of the international IEC 62386 standard, DALI-2 certification requires rigorous product testing. The test results are independently verified by the DALI Alliance. In contrast, DALI version-1 testing was less detailed and relied on self-declaration, without requiring third-party verification of test results.
DALI-2 certification is now available for all control gear types in common use, including those for colour control and self-contained emergency lighting. DALI-2 also includes a broad range of additional features such as storage and reporting of luminaire, energy and diagnostics data.
>> Download the press release |
>> Our DALI Blog article “Lighting controls benefit from standards and certification” provides further background reading |
“DALI-2 certification has matured sufficiently that we no longer see the need to offer a registration scheme for DALI version-1 control gear,” said Paul Drosihn, DALI Alliance General Manager. “We encourage all users to look for the DALI-2 or D4i logos, which confirm that the product is certified by the DALI Alliance and is fully compliant with the relevant specifications.”
DALI version-1 registration was only available for control gear, while DALI-2 certification also includes bus power supplies, and control devices such as application controllers, sensors and other input devices. DALI-2 certification has established an ecosystem of interoperable products, which are all listed in the online Product Database. This contains over 2,300 DALI-2 products, including more than 1,800 DALI-2 control gear, along with over 1,600 DALI version-1 control gear. The DALI version-1 products will remain in the database, and trademark use will continue to be allowed.
As well as operating the highly successful DALI-2 and D4i certification programs, the DALI Alliance is developing DALI+ certification for DALI devices operating over wireless and IP-based networks, and is collaborating with the Zhaga Consortium to offer Zhaga-D4i certification for luminaires and control devices.
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