July 14, 2017
DiiA member companies will meet for their first interoperability event, or “Plugfest”, on August 3 4 in Lüdenscheid, Germany, at the home of ERCO GmbH.
Companies will bring a range of products, including control gear and control devices, along with the appropriate test equipment, and will assess the operation of different DALI-2 devices working together in lighting-control systems.
The main goal of the first Plugfest is to assess the first release of the part 103 test sequences, which cover single-master application controllers. The other test-sequence implementations (parts 101, 102, and 207) will also be verified.
It is important to verify and validate the implementation of the test-sequence software implementation as provided by Lichtvision, as well as to identify issues with test designs and even the specification of the standard in a real-life set-up including devices from multiple vendors.
Likely outcomes will include improvements to the test specifications and test implementation, as well as better understanding of the standard by the participants. Ultimately, this will lead to higher-quality implementation of the standard in member products.
The full release of the part 103 test sequences, which will also include multi-master application controllers, will be assessed at a future Plugfest provisionally planned for October.
As an event organized by the DiiA’s Technical & Certification Work Group (TCWG), the Plugfest event is only open to Regular members of DiiA.