August 13, 2019
The inaugural DALI Summit 2019 will share expert knowledge on DALI-2 certification and system installation, as well as examining the intersection of DALI and wireless, and looking ahead to future opportunities.
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The Digital Illumination Interface Alliance (DiiA), the global industry organization for DALI lighting control, has unveiled details of the program for the DALI Summit 2019, a one-day conference taking place on Wednesday September 25th in Bregenz, Austria.
Organized by DiiA and Luger Research, the DALI Summit 2019 is co-located with two leading events in the lighting calendar—the 9th LED professional Symposium + Expo (LpS 2019) and the 3rd Trends in Lighting Forum & Show (TiL 2019)—which both run from September 24th to 26th.
Speakers at the DALI Summit 2019 will bring the audience up to date with the latest developments in DALI-2 certification, testing and specifications, and will look ahead to the addition of new features and functions that will expand the range of opportunities for DALI-2 lighting control.
One of the highlights will be a presentation that addresses the question, “Where does DALI fit in a wireless world?” Arnulf Rupp, Chair of the DiiA Board of Directors, will explain DiiA’s view on the different options; these include DALI communication over wireless transport layers, and standardizing gateways between DALI controllers and wireless network protocols.
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