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4th DALI China Summit

Fourth DALI China Summit

March 23, 2023 in Shenzhen


盛会聚焦 | 第四届DALI峰会完美收官,专业照明控制系统顶级盛会精彩回顾!

Event Spotlight | The 4th DALI Summit ended perfectly, a wonderful review of the top event of professional lighting control systems!


Preview articles on WeChat

议程预告 | 第四届DALI峰会嘉宾阵容揭晓

Agenda Preview | The 4th DALI Summit Guest Lineup Announced

专访 | Paul Drosihn:DALI持续深耕中国市场,聚力无线互联新时代

Interview | Paul Drosihn: DALI continues to cultivate the Chinese market, focusing on the new era of wireless Internet


Trailer of the 4th DALI Alliance China Summit Forum (video)


Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Member News from WeChat

重磅预告 | 3月23日,茂硕电源MOSO邀您参加第四届DALI峰会

Preview | On March 23, MOSO invites you to participate in the 4th DALI Summit

重磅预告 | 3月23日,雷特科技LTECH邀您参加第四届DALI峰会

Preview | On March 23, LTECH invites you to participate in the 4th DALI Summit

重磅预告 | 3月23日,晟瑞科技Sunricher邀您参加第四届DALI峰会

Preview | On March 23, Sunricher invites you to participate in the 4th DALI Summit

3.23,深圳等您 | OSRAM、Helvar、Eaglerise邀您参加第四届DALI峰会

3.23, Shenzhen is waiting for you | OSRAM, Helvar and Eaglerise invite you to participate in the 4th DALI Summit



Previous events

Third DALI China Summit Xi'an August 19, 2022 Event page
Second DALI China Summit Beijing April 9, 2021 Event page
First DALI China Summit Shanghai November 1, 2019 Event page