What’s the difference between DALI+ and wireless gateways?
View answerWireless to DALI gateways translate between the wireless protocol on one side and the wired DALI devices on the other side. Wireless devices (including the gateway) communicate using the wireless ecosystem protocol. With DALI+, there is no translation, and DALI commands are used throughout. In combination with a wireless carrier, DALI+ enables true wireless DALI.
CloseWhy do we need another wireless protocol?
View answerDALI+ is not a new protocol. DALI+ devices communicate using existing DALI commands, but these are carried over a wireless and/or IP-based medium. This provides choice and flexibility for anyone wishing to use DALI with different connectivity options.
CloseHow does DALI+ handle security?
View answerDALI+ uses security layers provided by the underlying protocol, with additional application-layer security features for DALI+ with Thread.
CloseCan you extend the number of devices beyond the 64+64 limit on a single subnet?
View answerYes. DALI+ includes a system address which multiplies the number of possible devices by 255. Where an IP-based carrier is used, such as Thread, this extension goes further, providing an almost unlimited addressing capability.
CloseHow do you decide which protocols to support?
View answerAll our work on specifications and certification is guided by the priorities set by our members, as well as the availability of volunteers to carry out the necessary tasks; these include creating the specifications and test procedures, and evaluating the tests so that certification can begin. For DALI+, our members initially decided to work with the Thread Group to develop DALI+ with Thread certification. The Part 104 Changes & Additions specification itself supports IP-based carrier protocols such as Thread, Ethernet and Wi-Fi.
CloseWill DALI+ work over Ethernet, or WiFi, or Bluetooth mesh?
View answerThe first version of the new Part 104 Changes & Additions specification supports IP-based protocols such as Thread, Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Future versions of the specification may support other carriers. The first DALI+ certification program will support DALI+ with Thread.
CloseWill DALI+ certification be part of the DALI-2 (and D4i) certification program?
View answerWe are already working with Thread Group to develop DALI+ with Thread certification, which will be separate from DALI-2 certification. Different carriers will require their own DALI+ certification program.
CloseIs DALI+ compatible with D4i?
View answerYes. The new Part 104 Changes & Additions specification supports bridges, which allow wired DALI devices and luminaires (including D4i luminaires) to access the DALI+ network.
CloseIs DALI+ compatible with DALI-2?
View answerYes. The new Part 104 Changes & Additions specification supports bridges, which allow wired DALI-2 devices and luminaires to access the DALI+ network.
CloseCan DALI+ connect with a BMS?
View answerYes, it is possible for a DALI+ control device to incorporate an interface to a building management system (BMS).
CloseWhy is certification important, and when will it start?
View answerWe have already started to develop the tests that are necessary to enable DALI+ with Thread certification. This process will take several months. Certification builds market confidence in the interoperability of products from different suppliers, and accelerates adoption.
CloseIs DALI data available with DALI+?
View answerYes, Parts 251-253, which cover luminaire, energy and diagnostics data, can all be implemented in DALI+ devices.