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Community membership is FREE for luminaire makers.* |
Community membership allows FREE use of DALI Trademarks for luminaires that use DALI-based components. |
Community members are included in our Luminaire Brands list, showing brands that are entitled to use the DALI Trademarks on their luminaires. |
Community members are allowed to use the “DALI” word in luminaire product names. |
* Luminaire makers who also manufacture DALI-based components (control gear, sensors, application controllers etc) are not entitled to register as Community members, but are invited to join the DALI Alliance as Regular or Associate members.
DiiA’s program for luminaire makers is designed to help companies to benefit from using certified DALI-2 or registered DALI version-1 components, and to encourage the use of the DALI logos on luminaires.
All luminaire manufacturers are invited to register with DiiA as Community members, free of charge. This allows use of the DALI Trademarks to indicate that your luminaires contain DALI components.
Backed by the DALI-2 certification program, the DALI-2 and D4i logos convey the message of interoperability. On a luminaire, the DALI-2 or D4i logo tells system integrators, specifiers and end customers that there is no need to worry about DALI-2 or D4i compatibility – this has already been taken care of.
Luminaire makers are invited to register with DiiA as Community members by signing the Community member registration agreement. There is no joining fee, no membership fee, and no licensing fee to allow the use of DiiA and DALI Trademarks according to DiiA’s rules.
>> How to Join
The DALI Alliance does NOT operate a certification program for luminaires.
Trademark use is permitted for luminaires that use DALI-based components, provided that the luminaire supplier is a member of the DALI Alliance. This includes Community members.
>> More about DALI luminaires and logo usage
© 2021 Digital Illumination Interface Alliance. All rights reserved. DALI, the DALI Logo, DALI-2, the DALI-2 Logo, DiiA, the DiiA Logo, D4i,
the D4i Logo, DALI+ and the DALI+ Logo are trademarks in various countries in the exclusive use of the Digital Illumination Interface Alliance.