DALI enables the following key features:
DALI is designed for dimming. A fundamental aspect of DALI is that it enables accurate, repeatable, standardized control of light-level outputs.
Certified DALI-2 control gear follow a standardized dimming curve, which is designed to match human-eye sensitivity and brightness perception.
The testing procedure requires measurement of light output.
Commands allow control, configuration and querying of DALI devices.
Command type | Examples |
Control |
Configuration |
Query |
Commands can be addressed to individual devices, to a group of devices, or broadcast to all devices. This makes communication very efficient.
Scenes allow fast and efficient recall of light levels across the system.
Each item of control gear has 16 scenes. A single GO TO SCENE command instructs all the lights, or any combination of the lights, to go to individually pre-defined levels and/or colours.