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Company: Helvar

Project title: Column of the Immaculate Conception

Location: Rome, Italy

Category: Outdoor projects - WINNER


"The majestic Column of the Immaculate Conception in Rome has been brought to life by bathing the monument in light. The DALI system was used to produce soft, warm, 3000K light, diffused at the base in a circular pattern, rising up the monument to 4000K, with five projectors beaming bright 5700K light up the column, removing any shadows and creating a highlight in the skyline.

DALI luminaires from ERCO, twinned with dimmable fittings controlled by the Helvar Imagine system, enable precision dimming throughout. The overall system is connected to an external digital clock for time-scheduled recall of specific scenes.

All the judges were impressed with how DALI was used to provide simple wiring, precise and repeatable dimming, and the good use of colour-controlled, DALI-2 certified luminaires."


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What did the project set out to achieve?

The aim of this lighting project was to bring a historic monument to life. The permanent luminist ideation of the monument to the Madonna of the Immaculate Conception on a journey from Earth to Heaven - from Human to Divine.

The project set out to characterise the story through lighting, with the Four Prophets, the Base of the Column, and the Column itself lit differently, with the becoming intense and white as it reaches the Immaculate Column, connoting innocence and immunity from sin, thus representing an image of infinity.

By using DALI lighting, emotion and feelings were attributed to this monument, creating an unforgettable scene for citizens and visitors.

How is DALI used within the project?

Soft warm 3000K light diffuses at the base in a circular pattern, rising up the monument at 4000K, until five projectors beam bright 5700K light up the column, removing any shadows and creating a highlight in the skyline.

It was simple to wire ERCO luminaires with DALI buses, with the dimmable fittings controlled by Helvar Imagine DALI, fine tune / precision achieved with the Helvar 454 dimmer. No minimal loads, specific for LED tech, and the entire system is easily compatible.

Why was DALI chosen?

DALI enables incredibly precise dimming for the base of the column, thus creating a story. This is the first time the structure has been bathed in light, and is great for both visitors to the city and for tourists.

Three Helvar products (905 454 and 942) were used, and the system is connected to an external digital clock to recall specific scenes.


Parties involved

► Lighting designer: ARCH Francesca Storaro

► Luminaires: ERCO - DALI and Dimmable

► Installer: Acea

► Lighting control / commissioning: Elettroservice

► Manufacturer of controls: Helvar