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Company: Belzner Holmes und Partner Light-Design

Project title: BUGA Fibre and Wood Pavilions 2019

Location: Heilbronn, Germany

Category: Judges' Special Mention - WINNER


Even though this entry didn’t pick up a win in any of our designated categories, the judges felt this submission was a triumph that we simply couldn’t ignore; we wanted to deliver some level of recognition for its scale and imaginative implementation of scene setting.

What at first appears to be randomised pulsating light play in a wood pavilion is actually a sophisticated lighting project controlling over 700 light modules via DALI. The light control is constantly under tension and plays the desired programmes until they are changed.

The judges were very impressed with how many luminaires have been controlled to achieve the effect in a small outside space. We felt this was a standout project for its aesthetics and outright beauty, supported by remarkable photography. The technical achievement of doing all this with DALI was just a bonus.


Belzner Holmes_BUGA-HolzPavilion_RolandHalbe 4
Belzner Holmes_BUGA-HolzPavilion_RolandHalbe 2
Belzner Holmes_BUGA-FaserPavilion_Conne-van-d-Grachten 3
Belzner Holmes_BUGA-FaserPavilion_Conne-van-d-Grachten 5
Belzner Holmes_BUGA-FaserPavilion_Conne-van-d-Grachten 1

What did the project set out to achieve?

The ability to control the luminaires via DALI allows various scenarios to be created. In addition to static illumination, there is also the possibility of a dynamic, pulsating light play. Challenge: The implementation of a pulsating, seemingly random play of light with DALI.

How is DALI used within the project?

The lighting of the two pavilions are controlled by two ETH2DALI from E:cue. The system controls 20 LED drivers for the fiber pavilion and 62 LED drivers for the wood pavilion. The LED drivers in turn operate 700 light modules. The programs are accessed via switches connected to ETH2DALI by "Drycontacts". The light control is constantly under tension and plays the desired programs until they are changed.

What benefits does DALI provide?

Dimming lighting control to achieve desired lighting schemes.

Parties involved

► Client: Bundesgartenschau Heilbronn 2019 GmbH

► Architect: ICD Institut für Computerbasiertes Entwerfen und Baufertigung, Universität Stuttgart; ITKE Institut für Tragkonstruktionen und Konstruktives Entwerfen, Universität Stuttgart

► Planning partner: BIB Kutz GmbH & Co.KG, Karlsruhe; Transsolar Climate Engineering, Stuttgart; Frauenhofer-Institut ICT

► Implementation: BEC GmbH, Reutlingen; FibR GmbH, Stuttgart; Müllerblaustein Bauwerke GmbH, Blaustein; Elektro-Scheu GmbH, Heilbronn

► Luminaire Suppliers: ewo GmbH, Kurtatsch (IT); Hera GmbH & Co.KG, Enger