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Company: Helvar on behalf of Elekon Energy Systems

Project title: People’s Library Ankara

Location: Ankara, Turkey

Category: Large indoor projects


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What did the project set out to achieve?

The People's Library was completed in February 2020 and features a full Helvar DALI based lighting solution supplied Elekon Energy Systems in Turkey. With special thanks to the efforts of Safak, Aydin and the whole team, this spectacular project now nestles alongside the vast Presidential Palace Complex, including the People’s Mosque and Convention Centre - each of these spaces was also fitted with DALI lighting solutions throughout the duration of this project.

All areas within the People's Library are controlled by the Helvar solution, including the central atrium, auditorium, side libraries, stairwells, breakout areas, washrooms, meeting rooms, conference hall, car parking, landscape and external facade.

Technology and tradition come together to create the ideal environment for satisfying the thirst for knowledge.

How is DALI used within the project?

The equipment list included:

  • 525 lighting routers (1025 DALI subnets)
  • 165 relay units (1,260 switched circuit)
  • 250 blind controllers (500 blinds)
  • 2,465 sensors
  • 1,300 wall panels
  • Full Tridium Integration
  • Over 50,000 DALI and Switched Luminaires

Why was DALI chosen? 

DALI was specified by the Consultant HB Teknik in Istanbul as they wanted to ensure the building remained futureproof as well as benefiting from the features that DALI gives.

Elekon was chosen as they were one of the first to embrace DALI many years ago as well as now being one of the leading providers of DALI based lighting controls in Turkey.

Every luminaire is DALI and therefore can be monitored and accessed centrally via the BMS to show the status of the luminaires (scene, faults, burn hours, etc). All Luminaires fitted with DALI LED drivers.

- Digital lighting control
Elekon supplied the Helvar lighting control system with DALI being chosen as this had a proven pedigree with Turkish Government projects previously supplied on the Presidential Palace, People’s Mosque and Presidential Convention Centre which all form part of the same Presidential Complex / Government area in Ankara.

- Sensors and other input devices
2,465 sensors and over 1,300 wall panels supplied to allow the building to be either fully automated (via the inbuilt scheduler / astronomic time-based programming) and sensors, or via local override control from individual areas. The panels and sensors shared the same DALI 2-core wiring structure allowing the Contractor to quickly and efficiently run the control cable to both the luminaires and control devises. Again, this is a proven benefit of Elekon, Helvar and DALI.

- Luminaire, energy and diagnostics data
Essential on the project as all luminaires were required to be monitored for diagnostic data (fault, run time, scene level, etc) with this being integrated and displayed to the BMS located in the control room.

- Networking and connectivity, including combination with other control technologies. Full BMS integration with the standard Tridium Niagara platform chosen. Helvar has a driver that allows all the lighting information to be easily ported to the BMS for ease of integration.

Again, this allows a DALI lighting control system to be fully integrated into the BMS giving the operator easy to view graphics and reports. and/or systems/networks

Helvar supplied blind control units that allowed the blinds and curtains to be part of the overall lighting control system.

Full mobile control using Ipad / tablet devices

Full facade lighting with exterior luminaires fitted with DALI drivers.

What benefits does DALI provide?

- Dimming and colour control to achieve desired lighting schemes
Full scene control provided to ensure correct levels of lights is provided for the tasks being performed. From study, research, reading, writing, computer displays, break-out and relaxing.
Constant light to ensure energy efficiency and making use of the natural daylight.
Shading control to assist with glare and cooling.
Fully automated to ensure maximum energy savings and user comforts.

- Wellbeing and comfort of occupants
As above

- Energy usage monitoring, energy efficiency
DALI data available through the Helvar lighting control system can be displayed through Helvar Designer software or via BMS integration, allowing the lighting control system to form a vital part of the fabric of the overall building.

- Ease of installation, reliability, predictive maintenance
Helvar equipment communicates on the 2-core DALI open protocol cable. Installation costs were kept to a minimum with the design drawings produced by Elekon and followed by the Contractor on site. Elekon and Helvar were chosen for their ability to provide a ‘safe, reliable and cost-effective futureproof system’.

- Asset management
All luminaires connected are monitored continually by the Helvar lighting system. Any issues are either displayed in Helvar Designer software or through the Tridium Niagara BMS software.

- Future proofing
By design Elekon and Helvar have future-proofed not only this project but countless others in Turkey and beyond by educating the local Consultants and Contractors about the benefits of DALI and the advantages of the DALI protocol and wiring structure (i.e. using the 2-core DALI cable and following the DALI guidelines). This gives the Client the ability to choose the best supplier, lighting control system, luminaires that give the best overall solution and meet the Client’s expectations.


HB Teknik - "Working with Elekon and Helvar has again given us the confidence that the project will be delivered on-time, on-budget and in-line with both our and the clients needs and expectations."

Parties involved

► System design, supply, integration and engineering services: Elekon Energy Systems, Ankara

► Lighting Design: Zeve, Istanbul

► Consulting Engineers: HB Teknik, Istanbul

► Contractor: Ronesans, Ankara